Author: MeShell

I live in northumberland with my partner JC, our small human, and 3 cats. I like books, technology, vegan food, traveling, and lots of other things. For more information about MeShell, JC, Emmie, or Marmo, visit our About page.

Lazy Weekends and Crazy Plans.

We rented a zipcar and went out to Mississauga yesterday. It’s a sprawling suburb outside of Toronto, full of giant box stores, residential areas, and as I found out, a surprisingly great restaurant. We went to Heartland for shopping, it’s a massive commons area, and pretty overwhelming after getting accustomed...

READ MORE Lazy Weekends and Crazy Plans.

December in New York – Candle 79

After the whole engagement thing (no big deal right? I’m still eeeee-ing about it) we went back to the hotel, cracked open a bottle of champagne and started calling or emailing family members and close friends. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel appropriate to use Facebook to notify everyone of such...

READ MORE December in New York – Candle 79

Soon to be in New York City.

I’ve never been to New York City in December, but I’ve been told it’s the time to visit. I’m being whisked away from rainy Toronto, to the arty vegan food haven in the south (which is hopefully less rainy than it is here at the moment.) As with most trips, I feel...

READ MORE Soon to be in New York City.