Exploring the Lower East Side and finding a Knishery
In case you’ve ever wondered, this is what part of the Lower East Side looks like at 5am.

I was up, bright and painfully early on a Saturday morning ready to take on the city, but we had to wait until the city that never sleeps… woke up. First stop that day was Yonah Schimmel’s Knishery (137 E Houston St, New York, NY). It was just around the corner from our hotel, and after reading a few reviews of the place on IEatVegan and LunchBoxBunch about the place, and I thought – well this place sounds great. I’ve never had a knish why not get an accidentally vegan and authentic one? There is an assortment of flavours some vegan, some not. I asked the man working in the store if they were vegetarian, if they had eggs or milk in them, and he said they didn’t (other than the obviously non-vegan ones like cheese filled) So we ordered a vegetable one and a sweet potato one. I found the sweet potato one a lot sweeter than I would have expected, with a hint of cinnamon, it was the perfect breakfast.