Author: MeShell

I live in northumberland with my partner JC, our small human, and 3 cats. I like books, technology, vegan food, traveling, and lots of other things. For more information about MeShell, JC, Emmie, or Marmo, visit our About page.

Superbowl for two

I feel like I’m in the minority of my friends that actively enjoy and watch the Superbowl every year. This year was no different. Amongst dozens of Facebook posts and hundreds of tweets with anti-football sentiment. Well, I’ll just come out and say it – we watched it, and enjoyed...

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Date Night at Hogtown Vegan

JC and I went to Hogtown Vegan for dinner on Tuesday. Now I feel as though I have to take everything negative I’ve ever said about them back. But no, my thoughts were valid at the time, but the improvements are substantial from the last time I was there. Our...

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