Author: MeShell

I live in northumberland with my partner JC, our small human, and 3 cats. I like books, technology, vegan food, traveling, and lots of other things. For more information about MeShell, JC, Emmie, or Marmo, visit our About page.

Vegan Food and Love

Around a year ago, JC and I really started to see each other. Sure we met sometime at the end of January for the first time, but this was the point at which I wasn’t travelling constantly and we really got to know each other.  This is also around this...

READ MORE Vegan Food and Love

Things I Love Thursday – Food.

Things I Love Thursday Short List: Gluten free vegan bakery options in Toronto are expanding – new one opening Healthy eating has increased, home cooking has increased Received my Molecule-R Gastronomy kit in the mail today Rekindled love of penpals and hand written letter writing Vibrams at the office

READ MORE Things I Love Thursday – Food.