Author: MeShell

I live in northumberland with my partner JC, our small human, and 3 cats. I like books, technology, vegan food, traveling, and lots of other things. For more information about MeShell, JC, Emmie, or Marmo, visit our About page.

Beer Festivals in Toronto and Area

Toronto has no shortage of festivals. When summer rolls around it’s festival time, every weekend, there is something to do, something to eat, something to drink, whatever strikes your fancy, it’s probably going to happen somewhere between June – September. Starting this week on June 17th, 2012, Ontario Craft Beer...

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Niagara VegFest 2012

Last weekend JC and I went to the Niagara region’s first VegFest at Robertson Hall, St. Catharines. It wasn’t really a surprise that it was packed, since so many exciting vegan things are happening in the area, but the crowds were a little overwhelming at times. According to the organizers...

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