Remedy and La Shish
Edmonton keeps me busy.
I had a wonderful run through the river valley yesterday, did a bit over 7 kilometers. I had only intended on doing 5 but it was so nice out I didn’t want to turn back. I feel oddly like a tourist in this city, everything is slightly unfamiliar and new. Of course I mean that in a good way, because it’s like discovering the great parts about my home city all over again.

A friend and I went to La Shish Taouk (224 Mayfield Common, Edmonton AB) yesterday evening, I’ve had the vegetarian combination plate there before and really liked it, but for once in my life, I wasn’t feeling hungry. I ordered a large glass of fresh carrot juice though and I did pick at the falafel plate and the sauteed veggie plate my friend ordered. They have a really decent selection of vegan and vegetarian foods, and if you miss smoking indoors they also have flavoured apple or grape shisha (I’m not a smoker, but I’ve tried the apple and it was pleasant.)

Sometime later in the evening we went over to Whyte ave, tried to go to Cafe Dabar, but the moment we started walking up to the place the “Open” sign was switched off! Darn. Remedy was still open, so we headed over there. I’m starting to really like that place, and I keep wondering why I didn’t go there more often when I lived in the university area. They had a big sign up asking “VEGAN?” and listing off a nice list of East Indian dishes, so, I think it’s safe to call them a vegan friendly option, especially in terms of late night food. Of course I got another piece of cheesecake, strawberry this time.

And something completely unrelated to food or running happened yesterday. We stumbled upon a little white dog in my back alley, and she wasn’t accompanied by a human. We chased after her, called the number on the collar, but it went straight to voice mail. Then we went to the address on her collar (several blocks away,) my friend rang the door bell, no one was home. My friend was smart though and called the building manager, who contacted the necessary people, and to make a long story short, we successfully reunited a very grateful woman with her dog.
A great day all around.