Not going out to eat for a while… maybe.

Well, after the last few weeks of overindulgences, I’m feeling a bit like a homebody. I’d rather prepare simple dishes for myself, friends and family, than go out and have someone do it for me.  It also doesn’t help that most of the people I typically eat with are doing juice/master cleanses right now. And I have no interest in joining them.

Our weather has been alternating between picnic friendly, and rain lately, but I still have the urge to get a few people together and have a nice traditional style picnic (well, as traditional as possible while still vegan.) potato salad, raw veggies, sandwiches, pita chips with hummus/guac/salsa, cupcakes, lemonade and iced tea. Or by using some of the suggestions from Mark Bittman’s 101 ideas for picnics. (peach tomato salad!)

Next week there is a Raw Food Potluck here in Edmonton, and I’m trying to decide what to make for it. (It’s happening on Saturday June 5th, 2010, email to find out more information.) I’m leaning towards a lasagna type of dish (or maybe an artichoke pate stuffed tomatoes). Ever since I made the salad with raw zucchini a month or so ago, I just want to use it again… in something… anything.

I picked up a few varieties of organic heirloom lettuce, and small container of black kalamata olives. I’m going to end up making my own tapenade (with olives, garlic, fresh basil, capers and olive oil) today, at least as a mini snack. I still want to check out the Olive vendor at the Edmonton City Market, but I’m going to be helping out with CityChase this Saturday, so once again, I will not be able to make it.

My lunch of lettuce wrapped quinoa with julienned tofu and a side of avocado tomato salad topped with sliced olives was really satisfying. I wonder why I don’t do this more often.