Category: vegan food

Ode to Pretzels

I love soft pretzels. Those commercially availible SuperPretzels burrowed their way into my heart when I was working at a hospital years ago and the only vegan option was either that, or some lettuce (and I’m not even kidding.) When I went to Denver for the first time in 2006...

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Samosas for lunch

Who knew, vegan samosas right in downtown Saskatoon. I went to Asian Taste restaurant (101-3rd Ave North, Saskatoon) for lunch today (and I might be updating from work, shhh, it’s a slow day) just to give it a try. I’ve walked by it over a dozen times, and every time...

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Raw potluck saskatoon

After a weekend of planning, it was finally potluck time yesterday! It was really exciting to meet a few new people and eat some great raw vegan food. There was also a presentation on how to properly cut open a young coconut, which was quite educational, someone took a video...

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So this past weekend I didn’t cook anything. I depended on my high powered blender and not much else. So what did I end up eating, a lot of spinach soup (since I have a 1kg bag I need to use up before it gets yucky,) an avocado gazpacho, lot’s...

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Vegan Polish Xmas 2009

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas Eve in our typical fashion, a focus on family, friends and eating, followed by a gift exchange. I’m not sure if everyone was feeling so disinterested in exchanging gifts as I was this year, but it was rather tame. A few days ago my mother and...

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