Author: MeShell

I live in northumberland with my partner JC, our small human, and 3 cats. I like books, technology, vegan food, traveling, and lots of other things. For more information about MeShell, JC, Emmie, or Marmo, visit our About page.

SED2011 – Science Hangover: A Visit to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and the National Air and Space Museum

Saturday was an unbelievable day of adventure and science at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. While I might have had some bumps in the road to get there, persistence lead to success and I made it… only a couple of hours late. And clearly this entry will not be about...

READ MORE SED2011 – Science Hangover: A Visit to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and the National Air and Space Museum

Boston Bound – PAX East

Well, I’m heading to Boston, MA for the first time, and I’m really excited about it. I found putting together a guide really helpful for myself when I’m running around in a city that’s unfamiliar, and this way I try not to miss anything fun going on. Things that are...

READ MORE Boston Bound – PAX East