Epicure Party and Yet Another Quinoa Burger Recipe

Yesterday a friend invited me to an Epicure party. Now, I’ll admit, initially I was skeptical that there would be anything I could sample and enjoy, but I was wrong. Vegan chocolate cake (made with their brand of chocolate cocoa), and lentil burgers (a vegan recipe straight off of their website), that were genuinely good. Who knew.

Inspired by the burgers from yesterday and the hot weather, I made Quinoa Burgers for lunch today. They fell apart (I didn’t let them chill long enough before I started cooking) but were still delicious.

Quinoa Burgers

I feel silly posting a recipe considering that I never listen to any myself, but it’s a decent enough guideline.

Yet Another Quinoa Burger Recipe
1 cup cooked quinoa (about 1/2 cup uncooked)
1 cup cooked mashed red kidney beans
1/4 cup cooked brown rice (I’m sure white/jasmine rice would work okay)
1/3 cup ground flax seeds
3 tsp egg replacer whipped with 5tbsp water (I used Ener-G Egg replacer, but there are a bunch availible)
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1 tbsp dijon mustard
3 garlic cloves, pressed/minced
1/2 tsp onion powder
2 tbsp horseradish (find vegan varieties at your local Polish store if you can’t find them at the grocery.)
1 cup breadcrumbs (I used crumbs from a pumpernickle bread I made two weeks ago, whole wheat would work fine.
3 tbsp chopped green chili’s (for something not so spicy puI put in about 7tbsp…)
black pepper and salt (whatever makes you happy)
Mix everything up, in whatever order you feel like, shape into patties, chill for about half an hour. Heat up a skillet, to about medium. Then fry up in your favourite oil (I used extra virgin olive oil), till it’s nice and brown on both sides. I think this would  also work great in an oven (or even a toaster oven) if you want to cut down the fat.

1 Response

  1. Lentils are also commonly used in Ethiopia in a stew-like dish called kik, or kik wot, one of the dishes people eat with Ethiopia’s national food, injera flat bread. Yellow lentils are used to make a nonspicy stew, which is one of the first solid foods Ethiopian women feed their babies.“-:

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