Vegan MoFo 2015 Starts Tomorrow!

I’m excited about participating in Vegan MoFo this year, as it will be my… 5 or 6th year participating(?) Maybe more, I don’t know. It’s hard to believe I’ve had this blog or some iteration of this blog for nearly a decade (okay, I started Prairie Vegan in 2007, so there is still a few years left, darn honesty.) When I’m prowling around on Vegan MoFo Participating blogs, I always like getting to know some of the bloggers participating, especially if I’ve never read their stuff before, and enjoy when folks put up an intro post, so here I am doing it.

Vegan Mofo

I’m MeShell (I’ve been using that name since high school, so it’s stuck, but no, my parents didn’t ever write it like that), I live in Toronto, with my lovely partner JC, and our 3 cats (plus a nephew-cat,) I’ve been vegan since somewhere in the late 90’s, and I’m originally from Edmonton. A few months ago my partner and I opened up an online vegan grocery store called the V Word Market, and it’s been keeping us pretty busy, and people have been pretty excited – which is exciting! Most of the time you can find me on instagram @VeganInYourCity, where I share pictures of  food, cats, and art I see around whatever city I’m in at the time (usually Toronto.)

Tomorrow’s Prompt is “Rise and Shine! It’s MoFo time! Tell us about your breakfast.” Which is fun, because I’m actually terrible at eating breakfast – but I have been trying to get better at it over the last few lifetimes. Still not great at it. But I’ll tell you all about my shitty breakfast tomorrow. (P.S. I swear occasionally, but not often.)

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